Astanin D.M., Smirnova N.V.
UDC 330.3+330.5
Astanin D.M.1 (Vologda, Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Smirnova N.V.2 (Cherepovets, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Vologda State University, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
2Cherepovets State University
Abstract. In many countries there is a division of regions according to the degree of wealth and prosperity. Some regions inevitably fall into stagnation due to monopolistic actions of business or economic mistakes of the country’s government. On the example of Italy, a transitional form of stagnation is very clearly visible. Ignoring the laws of economics has led the country to a contrasting north-south division. The agrarian south, left without people, tourism and entrepreneurship, spent its internal budgets. As a result of the study of Italy on the economic, geographic, tourist, climatic and industrial characteristics, the reasons for the emergence of depressed regions are determined. Architectural and planning problems are divided into urban planning frameworks according to the prevailing functional characteristics. Thanks to of the study of the territorial frameworks of the Central and Southern parts of Italy, it can be concluded that the most promising province for living is the Campania region (Naples province); relatively favorable provinces: Sicily (Messina), Calabria (Vibo Valentia, Catanzaro), Campania (Salerno, Avellino, Benevento, Coserta), Apulia (Lecce), Molise (Isernia, Campobasso), Abruzzo (Chieti, Pescara). One of the lowest rating indicators is the province of Matera (Basilicata region). The revival of the depressed Italian provinces is possible by improving the quality of the urban environment. In the identified foci, a new spatial organization of architectural and planning nodes (on the example of updating the master plan of the city of Krako, in the area of Basikata, the province of Matera).
Keywords:tourist and recreational framework, ecological framework, eco-cultural framework, natural framework, natural recreational framework, land and property framework of agricultural production, settlement framework, transport framework, pendulum migration, stagnant region.
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For citation:
Astanin D.M., Smirnova N.V. Renovation of stagnant structures settlement systems in Italy (on the example of spatial revitalization for Matera province, Basilicata region). CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.606-625. DOI: