Sukharev A.A.
UDC 378.14
Sukharev A.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow City Pedagogical University
Abstract. The transformations taking place in modern Russian society have a significant impact on the education system, which manifests itself, first of all, in new targets, updating the content of education, developing the interaction of the educational system with the socio-cultural sphere, in criteria and indicators of the quality of education. Professional culture is necessary for every person engaged in a particular field of activity, but it is especially important, due to the importance of the tasks being solved, in pedagogical activity, in teaching work. Taking into account the fact that psychological and pedagogical aspects occupy an essential place in a wide range of tasks solved by modern specialists, pedagogical culture should be considered an element and component of the general professional culture of both the pedagogical workers themselves and, in general, workers whose activities are related to interaction with people. The teacher-choreographer acts as a carrier of pedagogical culture. This is very important because the cultural level of such a professional has a direct and indirect impact on the level of culture of society as a whole through his students. As a result of the study, the author comes to the understanding that the presence of a pedagogical culture characterizes the professional potential of a specialist – a teacher. Pedagogical culture is associated with the qualitative characteristics of his personality and professional activities, with the available range of knowledge and skills. Functionally, pedagogical culture manifests itself in the choreographer’s work not only in the framework of teaching dance, but also in the educational process as a whole: it is included in the broader context of the entire sociocultural situation of his life.
Keywords: teacher-choreographer, pedagogical culture, professionalism, professional culture, creative team, empathy.
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For citation:
Sukharev A.A. About the improvement of the choreographer’s pedagogical culture in the course of professional activity. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.586-594. DOI: