Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V.
UDC 338.24:001
Bazilevich S.V.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) -m E-mail:, Lipkina E.D.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Malygina M.V.2 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Omsk State Transport University
2Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of project marketing management. The authors share the position that special attention should be paid to project marketing management in order for the project to develop effectively. For this, it is necessary to conduct research on both the external and internal environment, which will serve as an information and analytical base for the project team. The article presents: analysis of the marketing of CJSC “Plant of bottling of mineral water” Omsk “, the concept of the project” Recycling of plastic containers “, the organizational structure of the project management, marketing management of the project. The proposals of the marketing firms of the city of Omsk are analyzed, the effectiveness of marketing management of the PET Processing project is calculated, as well as the social effect that will form a positive image of a company that cares about environmental protection. The authors propose to attract a third-party experienced company (“Marketing Design”) to manage the marketing of the project by transferring the marketing of the selected organization to outsourcing and the marketing management plan of the CJSC «Mineral Water Bottling Plant» Omsk. The authors note that the marketing management of the project today is an integral part of the development of a project throughout its entire life cycle. The authors believe that project marketing management is a complex and long-term process, but without which project development will be difficult. Marketing management of the project must be given special attention in order for the project to be able to develop effectively, therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on both the external and internal environment, which will serve as an information and analytical base for the project team. Also, project marketing management will help to articulate the strategy, concept and marketing programs of the project, which will ultimately lead to a positive effect on the part of consumers. It has been established that project management as a whole affects project marketing management.
Keywords: project marketing management, project management organizational structure, marketing firms, marketing management efficiency, company image, project team.
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For citation:
Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V. Project marketing management. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.467-483. DOI: