Kozlovskaya D.I., Kozlovskaya S.N.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.4.30
UDC 37.035.6
Kozlovskaya D.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail: d.kozlovskaya@inbox.ru, Kozlovskaya S.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru
1Russian State Social University
Abstract. The article discusses issues related to an important problem – the definition and scientific justification of patriotic tourism as a means of education and upbringing of young people. Based on the studied literature on the problem, the authors reveal the content of the process of becoming a person who is aware of himself as a citizen and patriot of his country, oriented in the spectrum of cultural diversity of his region, having a respectful attitude to the historical past of his country, a responsible attitude to its fate in the present and future. According to the authors, one of the most important areas of patriotic education is the organization of tourist work, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude among young people towards their Fatherland, feelings of love and affection for their native places. Tourism in patriotic education makes it possible to really influence the formation of specific life competencies of young people, expands the range of identification of their abilities, knowledge, skills, increases the opportunity for everyone to take a worthy position in society and show their conscious civic activity. Patriotic tourism contributes to the formation of patriotic education of young people, instills love for their native places, which allows them to take a fresh look at their country, to better understand personal involvement in its history and culture, to realize their role in strengthening and developing the Fatherland. The completer and more meaningful the knowledge about the native land, its people, past and present is obtained, the more effectively one of the main educational tasks is solved – the formation of a person who respects and honors the traditions of his people, is proud of his material and spiritual culture, is socially responsible, not indifferent to the fate of his homeland. The authors paid special attention to the role of patriotic tourism, which is a powerful tool for influencing the formation of value-orientation and ideological foundations of the younger generation. It is thanks to travel that the active socialization of young people takes place.
Keywords: patriotic tourism, patriotic education of youth, a means of upbringing and education of youth, a route of patriotic orientation, interactive training.
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For citation:
Kozlovskaya D.I., Kozlovskaya S.N. Patriotic tourism as a means education and upbringing of young people. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.309-324. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.4.30