Ketoev K.E., Platova N.E., Dzagurova B.E., Biragov V.S.
UDC 371
Ketoev K.E.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Platova N.E.2 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Dzagurova B.E.3 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Biragov V.S.4 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1North Ossetian state university named after K.L. Khetagurov
2Vladikavkaz Institute of Management
3Mountain State Agrarian University
4Financial University under the Government Russian Federation
Abstract. The article examines the role and place of adaptive physical education in the socialization of children with disabilities, in the acquisition of social experience by this category of children. Social experience is understood as the experience of a person’s participation in various types of activities and interpersonal interaction, a content component of a person’s general culture, a set of communication skills and abilities, as well as models of behavior that he can follow in certain situations. One of the most significant components of social experience is activity, which simultaneously acts as a condition, method and form of expression of the cultural and historical manifestation of social experience. The author identified the most common problems in children with disabilities in the process of socialization, established the conditions and characteristics of this process, as well as the influence of adaptive physical culture on the child’s adaptation to society. The thesis is proved that for the full development of a child with disabilities, it is necessary to actively involve him in various types of mobile activities. The article also reveals the importance of play activity in the development and improvement of a child with disabilities, his cognitive and communicative abilities, the formation of motivational, need and intellectual spheres. It is in the process of play activity that children, including those with disabilities, copy the behavior of adults, imitate their manners, how they evaluate the people around them, how they relate to certain events, things – as a result, the formation of personal and psychological qualities also occurs. children with disabilities.
Keywords: adaptive physical education, socialization of children with disabilities, inclusive environment, physical culture and health-improving activity, sports activity, strengthening of physical health.
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For citation:
Ketoev K.E., Platova N.E., Dzagurova B.E., Biragov V.S. Adaptive physical culture as a means of socialization of children with disabilities. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.77-87. DOI: