Zarovnyaev B.N.
UDC 378.622
Zarovnyaev B.N.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Mining Institute
Abstract. In connection with the development of society, the intensification of industry is one of the main trends in scientific and technological progress and is characterized by an accelerated pace of mastering new equipment and innovative technologies. In this case, the main movers are the personnel who create competitive products, whose initiative depends on the quality of training highly qualified engineering personnel within the walls of the university, and this is becoming an urgent task. The main attention is paid to the search for approaches, methods, technologies for realizing potentials, identifying and disclosing personality reserves, increasing the innovative activity of students – future production managers in the mining industry. The paper presents the results of research that ensure the planned and advance development of students of engineering specialties of creative thinking, innovative approaches to solving technological problems in the learning process. At the same time, overcoming barriers is possible as a result of studying their essence, as well as by teaching methods and techniques for solving scientific and technical problems. A survey of students was carried out in order to determine the degree of overcoming psychological barriers, which shows that 80% of students overcame the barrier of compliance with the solution of a technical problem to a social need and are ready to take on the solution of the technical problem. The stereotyped thinking was overcome by 50% of students, the inertia of thinking was overcome by 35%, the barrier of choice and transfer of knowledge – 47%, the barrier of hyper-complexity – 60%. As a result, about half of the students in the group overcome psychological barriers that hinder their creative activity. The rest of the students must work purposefully to overcome barriers on their own. This work is the first step in overcoming barriers. At the second stage of overcoming barriers, the student studies methods and techniques for solving technical problems, such as methods of test questions, focal objects, garlands of accidents and associations, morphological method, brainstorming, synectics, sevenfold search strategies, ARIZ and others. The use of methods allows you to move away from the usual, standard approaches to solving the problem. Solving the assigned tasks using the RTZ methods, the student immediately proceeds to the implementation of the technical task. Thanks to the capabilities of RTZ methods, the student receives many different solution options, among which there will be a real solution. Refining the received options, the student solves the problem and thus overcomes a number of psychological barriers. The practice of implementing the ways of overcoming psychological barriers in the educational process has shown that about 50% of students are able to overcome them without preliminary preparation, and the rest can do this when implementing the methods and techniques of TRIZ, as a result of which students have solved production tasks in mining at the original level.
Keywords: student, creative activity, solving production problems, overcoming barriers to solving technical problems, methods and techniques of TRIZ.
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For citation:
Zarovnyaev B.N. Ways to overcome barriers in solving technical problems in the learning process. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.243-253. DOI: