ISSN 2409-7616

Tsoraeva F.N.



UDC 371

Tsoraeva F.N.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the psychological and pedagogical features of the upbringing of gifted students. The teacher bears a significant share of responsibility for the formation and development of the personality of a gifted student. In the article, the author substantiates the thesis that only a highly qualified competent teacher is able to discern and evaluate the abilities of students in a particular area in time. He must have a sufficient level of knowledge about the peculiarities of the psychology of thinking of gifted children, the nature of their manifestation and the main directions of further development. The article also presents the types of giftedness that determine the achievement of success in the corresponding type of activity: artistic giftedness, in which the abilities for artistic activity are manifested, as a rule, initially at the lessons of fine arts or in extracurricular activities; creative giftedness, which consists in the manifestation of creativity of thinking, non-standard solution of the assigned tasks; physical giftedness, characterized by high achievements in sports; social giftedness, in which children are distinguished by flexibility of thinking, leadership abilities, the ability to organize the work of a team; intellectual giftedness, expressed in the high academic performance of children, both in individual subjects and in all subjects in general. Very often giftedness proceeds in a latent form, when the teacher, due to inexperience, does not notice the unique characteristics of a gifted student and does not help to reveal his creative potential, as a result of which the talent “fades away”. In conclusion, it is concluded that for the implementation of successful teaching and educational activities when working with gifted students, it is necessary to identify which group of giftedness each of them belongs to, to take into account the individual characteristics of mental and physical development; work on the basis of the individual educational route of a gifted student.

Keywords: upbringing, education, gifted child, inclinations, abilities, classification of forms of giftedness.


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For citation:

Tsoraeva F.N. Features of upbringing and training a gifted child as a psychological and pedagogical problem. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.177-183. DOI: