ISSN 2409-7616

Egorychev A.M., Kononyako N.S.



UDC 378.1

Abstract. The problem of the importance and necessity of the formation and development of deontological culture among teachers-educators of a preschool educational organization is considered. Its high relevance is determined, associated both with the coming information technology era and the requirements of Russian society to improve pedagogical culture in the preschool education system. The necessity of including teachers-educators of preschool education in professional development – mastering the course (direction) “Deontology of a teacher-educator”, in the framework of professional development in the context of additional education is substantiated. The analysis of the essence and content of the concept of “deontological culture” is carried out; the scientific approaches to understanding it and the need for the formation of deontological culture in the system of Russian education are considered; the activity of the additional education system in the organization and implementation of various educational programs is highly assessed. The authors believe that it is the system of Russian additional education that acts as the link that has the necessary resources for organizing at a high level of effectiveness of professional training associated with the development of deontological culture among teachers-educators of a preschool educational organization.

Keywords: deontology, deontological culture, teacher-educator, preschoolers, additional education system.


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For citation:

Egorychev A.M., Kononyako N.S. Necessity of deontological culture development of pre-school educational organization teachers. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.241-250. DOI: