Mahrina E.A., Gerega A.N.
UDC 37.012:159.316.624
Mahrina E.A.1 (Sevastopol, Russian Federation) – Е-mail:, Gerega A.N.2 (Taganrog, Russian Federation) – Е-mail:
1Sevastopol State University
2Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to identify socio-psychological factors influencing the development of aggressive behavior in deviant adolescents. The article presents the results of research on this problem, considers the socio-psychological factors affecting the aggressive behavior of deviant adolescents. The study involved two groups of adolescents, the first group consisted of minors, students in secondary school No. 16 for difficult children, the second from students in secondary school No. 35. As a result of the research work, it was found that socio-psychological factors have a significant impact on the formation of aggressive behavior of deviant adolescents, since students of a special school are in a difficult environment for them, which causes the manifestation of aggressive behavior. As recommendations: systemic and purposeful socio-pedagogical activities for the organization and implementation of preventive and corrective measures with deviant adolescents appear. The work should be built in several directions: a) individual, group; b) correctional: with the participation of specialists (social educator, social psychologist, etc.); c) preventive, includes: introducing adolescents to the cultural heritage (visiting theaters and exhibitions, watching films, etc.); inclusion of adolescents in socially significant events of the school, district, city, country.
Keywords: deviant behavior, aggressive behavior, socio-psychological factors, adolescents.
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For citation:
Mahrina E.A., Gerega A.N. Socio-pedagogical factors, influencing the development of deviant adolescents’ aggressive behavior. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.167-175. DOI: