Zagoumennov I.L.
UDC 371:378
Zagoumennov I.L.1 (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) – E-mail:
1Minsk Branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov
Abstract. The article discusses the problem of preventing violence and the development of interethnic tolerance among young people. Tolerance has established itself as one of the basic characteristics of the Belarusian people, a unique feature characteristic of Belarusians as an ethnic group and distinguishing it from others. At the same time, in the context of globalization, open borders and information space, an influx of refugees into Belarus, including non-traditional for it religions Belarus, cannot be isolated from those negative processes and conflicts on national grounds that are taking place in the world, including in neighboring European countries, where, with the increase in the number of migrants, various forms of intolerance, extremism and xenophobia are increasingly developing. In the current conditions, the question of the need to develop special educational programs that, on the one hand, would consolidate the best traditions of interethnic relations in Belarus, and on the other hand, would prepare Belarusian schoolchildren and students for new realities, becomes more and more urgent. The need for such programs is also due to the challenges of the developing digitalization and internationalization of education. The author takes the position of the need to purposefully form youth values and beliefs that underlie multicultural competences, interethnic and intercultural trust. The purpose of the work is to propose a pedagogical approach that ensures an active role for schoolchildren and students themselves in this process. The research method is a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign approaches, as well as experimental work in educational institutions. The research results can be used in the organization of the educational process in secondary schools and universities.
Keywords: violence prevention, interethnic tolerance, inclusive education, project-based learning.
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For citation:
Zagoumennov I.L. Prevention of violence and development of interethnic tolerance of youth. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.120-129. DOI: