Egorychev A.M., Rostovskaya T.K.
UDC 37.01
Egorychev A.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Rostovskaya T.K.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Russian State Social University
2Institute for Demographic Research RAS
Abstract. The study examined issues related to the development of the education system in the conditions of an actively globalizing world community and the upcoming information age, its role in strengthening and developing the socio-cultural and spiritual and moral foundations of all peoples of world civilization, their interethnic communication and interaction. Identified positive and negative factors and aspects associated with the processes of globalization, their impact on the development of the institution of education. Futurological forecasts of the development of the education system in the coming information-technological era are given, a number of basic provisions are proposed that will help to understand the true essence of the institution of education, its purpose in the development of world civilization. The authors, as a result of the study, came to the conclusion that the prospects for the development of domestic vocational education in the conditions of the developing information society of the XXI century can be successful provided temporary socio-cultural unity (past, present, future) in the preservation and development of Russian people and society, all his social institutions. In their organic unity, it is they who create the basis, conditions and form for the development of a new educational and educational paradigm, which will be a new leap forward in the development of education and in general, will serve as a mechanism for the development of the Russian state and society.
Keywords: world community, education system, globalization, information age, spiritual and moral foundations.
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For citation:
Egorychev A.M., Rostovskaya T.K. Prospects for the development of professional education in a globalization world community. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.55-64. DOI: