ISSN 2409-7616

V. Makarenko


Vitaly S. Makarenko – Deputy Head of the Faculty of Retrainingand advanced training, Novosibirsk Highermilitary command school (Russia, Novosibirsk); E-mail:

Annotation. Theoretical questions of the formation and development of the active position of the defender of the Fatherland are considered, which, in the author’s opinion, are connected with the development of the system of patriotic education of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Russia. The modern understanding of the “activity of a person and the position of a specialist” is specified. The author comes to the conclusion that there is a need to identify the modern content of the concept of “active position of an officer of the Russian army.” As a result of many years of research, he comes to the understanding that the active position of an officer of the Russian Army is a set of ideological, professional, moral, moral and other attitudes chosen by him that ensure the successful fulfillment of the social and professional role of an officer defending the Fatherland. Represents the structure of the active position of the Russian officer, which includes elements (social activity, professional activity, state-patriotic outlook, professionally-oriented moral and ethical attitudes). All the elements of the active position closely interact, exerting, influencing each other. The substantive and structural analysis carried out in the study from the dialectical materialist position made it possible to determine the active position of the defender of the Fatherland as a philosophico-sociological category denoting a complex, integral personality quality whose structure is the unity of the value-motivational and practical activity components, characterized by a certain orientation, integrity and relative stability, which reflects the nature of the social system and the overall level of development ment of the individual.

Keywords: Armed forces of Russia, active position of defender of the Fatherland, military pedagogy, Russian officers, moral and ethical attitudes.



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