T. Rostovskaya, V. Skorobogatova, M. Zhuravleva
Tamara Rostovskaya – doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor, head of chair of social pedagogics and organization work with youth of the Russian state social University, e-mail: rostovskaya.tamara@mail.ru, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN code: 1129-8400
Vera Skorobogatova – director of the Federal State Budgetary Institute «Glavexpertcentre», Doctor of Law, (Russia, Moscow), e-mail: skorobogatova_ve@mail.ru
Marina Zhuravleva – doctor of pedagogical sciences, technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis department’s professor, vice-rector for educational work assistant in Kazan National Research Technological University, (Russia, Kazan), SPIN-code: 9534-8201, e-mail: guravleva0866@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes international legal documents that determined the priority tasks in the field of education quality assessment and recognition of foreign education. Special attention is paid to the formation, by 2020, European higher education, where key will be the role of academic mobility and joint educational programs that can contribute to the quality of higher education and reduce unemployment among the youth in the geopolitical space. The implementation of structural reforms is uneven, and tools are sometimes used incorrectly, bureaucratically and superficially. Further improvement of higher education systems and more active participation of the academic community in this process is necessary to realize the potential of the European Higher Education Area in full.
Key words: the quality of education, recognition of foreign education, learning throughout life, European space.
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