ISSN 2409-7616

A. Ivanov


A.Ivanov – Ph.D, professor of department pedagogical, age and social psychology  Institute of psychology,  sociology and social relations of the Moscow city pedagogical university (Russia, Moscow), e-mail:

Summary. In this article conceptual approaches of the pedagogical project “General Advantage” as means of ensuring of the leading purpose of development of the person – tendency to General Welfare within new pedagogics of consciousness reveal. In introduction the modern negative social phenomena are stated, the reasons of their emergence are opened. Then the review of sources of emergence of new education expressed in the analysis of the advanced pedagogical tendencies which prepared emergence of the idea of development of new education as purposeful activities of the tutor for creation of conditions for aspiration of the person for development of the consciousness, formation of new pedagogics – consciousness pedagogics is submitted. Further the scientific characteristic of concepts is presented in article: Advantage, General Advantage, General Welfare, consciousness, new education. The essence and content of the General Advantage as pedagogical model, way of the movement To the General Advantage, the directions and consecutive pedagogical steps to its achievement, the purpose, problems of pedagogical activity, a form of educational work are proved. At the end conclusions on implementation of this project are drawn.

Keywords: Advantage, General Advantage, General Welfare, consciousness, new education.


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