A. Bykov
Anatoly Bykov – Doctor of Education, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Methodological Center for pedagogical support graduate education GBOU MO “Social Academy of Management”, SPIN-код: E-mail: akbikov@mail.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Annotation. The article substantiates the lecture as an innovative form of training sessions in the context of the competency approach to the educational process in high school. General forms of pedagogical interaction in a lecture describing its interactivity: poll (frontal and individual), discussion group (team) work. Methodical peculiarities of lectures, dialogue, lectures, discussions, problem lecture how particular types of interactive lectures. A classification of methods of activization of informative activity of students at lectures: techniques that contribute to the problem situation in the course of the lecture; methods of enhancing cognitive interest to the stated material, bringing to his attention; methods of attracting attention to the teacher himself and his speech. Recommendations for the preparation of a teacher to an interactive lecture.
Keywords: lecture, interactive lecture, lecture-dialogue, lecture, discussion, problem lectures, higher education, cognitive activity of students, pedagogical device.
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