ISSN 2409-7616

Viskova I.V.


UDC 378.147

Viskova I.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the possibilities of using an interactive whiteboard as an electronic didactic tool in order to intensify Russian language teaching at a preparatory course at a military university. The article reveals the specifics of the training of foreign military personnel in the preparatory course, the characteristics of the cognitive characteristics of the modern generation of students with “digital consciousness”; attention is drawn to the physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, linguistic, linguistic, subject-professional difficulties faced by foreigners at the beginning of training. Russian is a difficult task for the teacher: under the current conditions, to organize Russian language training in a preparatory course in such a way as to ensure that students master communication skills in Russian at the B1 level and prepare them for training in the 1st year of a military university. The author’s classification of electronic didactic tools designed to help teachers intensify the learning process is presented, and a selection of topics in the curriculum of the discipline “Russian (as a foreign language)”, which are the most difficult for students to master, is given. The article presents a system of tasks using an interactive whiteboard, which can be used to intensify the process of teaching Russian at the preparatory course for foreign military personnel from foreign countries. Based on these materials, an experiment was conducted, including a survey of teachers and electronic testing of students based on the results of studying the proposed topics of the discipline’s work program. The results of the experiment are analyzed and presented in this article. Based on the experiment, it is concluded that the use of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom contributes to the intensification of the process of teaching Russian at the preparatory course of a military university.

Keywords: intensification of learning, electronic didactic tool, interactive whiteboard, preparatory course, military university, Russian as a foreign language.


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For citation: Viskova I.V. Interactive whiteboard as a means of intensifying the teaching of Russian as a foreign language in a military university. CITISE, 2025, no. 1, pp. 103-115.