ISSN 2409-7616

Kharitonov P.I.



Kharitonov P.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow State Pedagogical University

Abstract. Each era forms its own unique educational system that corresponds to its socio-economic characteristics. In the modern world, where society is developing at an incredible speed, the need for people capable of creativity and innovation is growing. This requires the formation of each person’s need for creative self-expression and the development of state policies aimed at creating conditions for creativity. However, along with the enrichment of the educational program with information, there is a danger of spiritual impoverishment of the individual. This is why priorities are changing in Russian education and a transition to a humanitarian paradigm is taking place. It is aimed at educating a person of culture, forming his or her value orientations and developing the spiritual sphere of the child’s personality. Therefore, the search for effective ways and means of developing spirituality in children is becoming especially relevant. The development of creative abilities in primary school children is due to the peculiarities of mental, physical, psychological and emotional development. A certain specificity is imposed by the process of a child’s transition from preschool to school education, the adaptation period. Next, we will compare the features of development in primary school age with the development of creative abilities. Attempts to characterize the phenomenon of creativity as a factor of social progress in a fundamental philosophical sense were first undertaken by ancient philosophers. An analysis of general and specialized literature has revealed a number of characteristics of creativity from the standpoint of three sciences – philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. As a creative activity, creativity has the characteristics of uniqueness, originality and uniqueness. The creative process is aimed at changes in life under the influence of the dominant ideology at one time or another. At the heart of any creative process is inspiration, which implies the absence of a pragmatic goal. Creativity, unlike creativity, has a fundamental basis. Creativity is subordinated to pragmatic goals.

Keywords: primary school students, creative abilities of children, the phenomenon of creativity, independence, creativity, psychological and pedagogical literature.


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For citation: Kharitonov P.I. On the relationship of independence with the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in psychological and pedagogical literature and research. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 688-696.