Mirzoeva E.V.
UDC 378
Mirzoeva E.V.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) – fem@kgufkst.ru
1Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
Abstract. Ensuring a healthy and comfortable life for its population is one of the priorities of any state. It is citizens who are healthy in every sense of the word that ensure the stable functioning and development of society. Education is one of the main tools for building a healthy nation. One of the key disciplines of the university’s curriculum, which is directly responsible for the health of students, is physical education. The article provides an overview of the possibilities to improve the effectiveness of the educational process at the university within the framework of the discipline “Physical Culture” due to the additional qualifications of the teaching staff. The author points out that at the moment the importance and potential of physical education are greatly underestimated. At the same time, taking into account the additional add-ons, physical education lessons can be strategically important in the process of forming a well-rounded personality of students and future workers in our country. It is emphasized that physical education should not be limited only to the physical training of students, but can also contribute to their intellectual, moral, spiritual and psychological development. Teachers who have completed additional professional education courses can more effectively influence the consciousness of their students, more actively involve them in sports activities, promote autonomy in following the principles of healthy lifestyle, and also act as mentors and influencers for their audience.
Keywords: physical education, teaching methods, competencies, education, team building, health.
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For citation: Mirzoeva E.V. Additional professional education as a resource for improving the quality of work of physical education teachers at the university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 631-639.