Abaeva F.B.
UDC 378
Abaeva F.B.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – abaevafb@mail.ru
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the process of effective implementation of problem-based learning technology in the context of adaptation to the mechanisms of acquisition of educational knowledge. Implementation of the principle of adaptation to the mechanisms of assimilation of educational material in the learning process will allow more effective management of this process, prevention and timely elimination of emerging deviations, will contribute to the increase of age-related possibilities of mastering subject knowledge, thereby having a beneficial effect on the intellectual development of schoolchildren. At the moment, there is no clear program for implementing the principle of adaptation to the mechanisms of assimilation, it still needs to be refined and developed. But it is undeniable that in the educational process it is necessary to use the technology of problem-based learning and on this basis to develop a structure of feedback between students and the teacher. The introduction of a problem-based approach in the educational process is more effective and efficient for senior school students. This is due to the fact that junior school students, even when comparing associations related to one group, have enormous difficulties and difficulties. This point of view is also confirmed in the works of many researchers, who note that the more mature a child becomes, the more knowledge he acquires, the faster the process of generalization of individual factors proceeds and the faster he can reveal their essence. Thus, in order to improve the quality of education in the context of adaptation to the mechanisms of assimilation of educational knowledge, the teacher must purposefully master and master the concept of problem-based learning, using it as a basis for teaching knowledge to students, since it is problem-based learning that acts as an invariant part of the step-by-step formation of educational activities.
Keywords: learning, education, problem-based learning technology, adaptation to the mechanisms of assimilation of educational knowledge.
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For citation: Abaeva F.B. Implementation of problem-based learning in the conditions of adaptation to the mechanisms of acquisition of educational knowledge. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 622-630.