ISSN 2409-7616

Zyryanova I.M., Genvareva Yu.A.


UDC 378.147

Zyryanova I.M.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) –; Genvareva Yu.A.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –

1Omsk State University of Railway Engineering

2Volga State Transport University

Abstract. The development of modern innovative production requires engineering workers with advanced digital and professional competencies, which determines the need for significant changes in the organization of the educational process of the university. Currently, there is a need for the development of active technologies, theoretically sound methods aimed at developing the abilities of undergraduate students of an engineering university for creative, self-educational activities. The article substantiates the possibility and necessity of using gaming technologies that contribute to increasing interest in the study of disciplines of the natural science cycle and the development of positive educational motivation. The quiz is considered as a playful form of learning and control of educational achievements and erudition of students, as an important factor in the formation of cognitive interest and motivation of undergraduate students. The purpose of the work is to determine the possibilities of using the quiz method in teaching students of an engineering university. The quiz was attended by first-year students of engineering specialties (n1=169, n2=92). Examples of quiz questions are given, the authors analyze the results using methods of mathematical statistics. The results obtained and their discussion can be useful for searching and correcting the bank of quiz questions. The practical significance and feature of our work lies in the proposed methodology for conducting a quiz-type event in order to control the development of topics and sections of the discipline, increase the interest of undergraduate students of an engineering university in studying a natural science discipline.

Keywords: quiz, method, statistical analysis, testing, students, engineering university.


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For citation: Zyryanova I.M., Genvareva Yu.A. The possibilities of using the vector method in teaching undergraduate students of an engineering university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 515-527.