Mirzoeva E.V., Roslyakova N.I.
UDC 378
Mirzoeva E.V.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) – fem@kgufkst.ru; Roslyakova N.I.2 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) – roslykowa@list.r
1Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
2Kuban State University
Abstract. Despite the fact that physical education is an obligatory component of any university curriculum, its role in the education and development of a student’s personality is significantly underestimated. The article examines the current status of the discipline and analyzes the most noticeable disadvantages of its implementation. By comparing the basic competencies, the development of which is embedded in almost every area of university students’ training, with the needs and demands of modern society, the significantly greater potential of physical education at the university is revealed. Physical education should be treated as an important component of a unified culture of a student’s becoming a future specialist and citizen. The study suggests some ways to expand the teaching and educational opportunities of physical education as a means of forming students‘ interpersonal interaction skills and their fundamental life values. It is also proved that physical education lessons are a full-fledged and integral component of the unified educational process at the university. The material presented in the article can be used for further methodological development of the issue of forming a holistic student culture. The results of the study are able to significantly optimize the symbiotic process of physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional aspects of the education of university students.
Keywords: physical education, teaching methods, competencies, education, team building, health.
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For citation: Mirzoeva E.V., Roslyakova N.I. Physical education as a special type of cultural activity of university students. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 498-506.