ISSN 2409-7616

Bakhmudov R.B.


UDC 378.17

Bakhmudov R.B.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Russian State Social University

Abstract. The health of children and adolescents — the wealth of the nation, the most striking indicator of its well-being — has come under threat. One of the most important reasons for the growth of morbidity in all classes of diseases has become the failure to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, which is typical for almost all age groups. The situation is aggravated by the lack of a comprehensive system for the upbringing, education and formation of a healthy personality, large-scale and effective state and public programs for the protection of public health; reforms in the health care system, which have reduced the availability of quality medical care for most social strata; “anti-health-preserving” activities of commercial structures that actively promote unhealthy behavior and lifestyle patterns. In order to define the concept of “health-saving behavior” most clearly, it is necessary to analyze it as an integral part of behavior as a whole, since the process of forming health-saving behavior is based on appropriate behavioral principles. It is possible to consider a lifestyle as healthy or unhealthy according to certain characteristics and features of behavior in a real-life situation, determined by individual attitudes, character traits and other personality traits. For university students of a social profile, the importance of the paradigm of a healthy lifestyle and sports style increases significantly due to the specifics of their future profession: communicating with people of the third age, the disabled, and people with disabilities. A healthy lifestyle, athletic style, emotional stability are those qualities of a social worker that, in addition to a personal example and a model for patients, wards, are a guarantee of prevention and prevention of professional deformation of the social worker himself.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, sports style, emotional stability, health-saving behavior.


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For citation: Bakhmudov R.B. Health-saving behavior of future social professionals: principles of formation. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 456-464.