ISSN 2409-7616

Shtokalo A.V.


UDC 378

Shtokalo A.V.1 (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation) –

1Ural State University of Physical Education

Abstract. This article examines the issue of development, stimulation and determination of cognitive activity in first-year cadets of a military university. For the emergence of cognitive activity, it is necessary that, first of all, ordinary educational activity takes place in the classroom, i.e. the actual participation of cadets in the educational process, employment with what the teacher offers. This is the lowest stage of cognitive activity, or rather even its prerequisite, the presence of which is easy to determine by the method of the so-called photographing protocols. The protocol sheet records, on the one hand, the main stages of the teacher’s activity, and on the other, the minute–by-minute activities of the observed student cadets (the number of observed can be from one to three, depending on the experience of the observer). Based on the data of the photographing protocols, we conclude about the activity or passivity of the cadets in the classroom and consider how to activate the cognitive activity of the first-year cadets. Dealing with the problems of formation of cognitive activity of first–year cadets of a military university, we proceeded from the fact that such work is aimed at the formation of one of the leading personality qualities – social activity. In educational and cognitive activity, this quality is manifested in the intensive work of cadets, which requires intellectual and volitional tension and is accompanied by emotional uplift. The presence of cognitive activity in first-year students may not always indicate their understanding of its social significance. Social activity is always characterized by awareness of the importance of the cadet’s activity, whereas the cognitive activity of cadets will only form part of social activity when it acquires a socially significant meaning.

Keywords: development, cognition, preparation, activation, level, factor, training.


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For citation: Shtokalo A.V. The development of cognitive activity of first-year cadets of the military university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 447-455.