Sekinaeva B.Sh.
Sekinaeva B.Sh.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying the role of the Olympiad in the formation of sustainable cognitive interest of students in the subject of mathematics. Cognitive interest in the article is considered as a selective attitude of an individual to certain subjects, objects and phenomena, characterized by a constant search for more complete and profound knowledge to achieve the goals set, satisfy cognitive needs. The article considers the features of preparing students for Olympiads in mathematics based on an integrated approach that takes into account the specifics of Olympiad problems and the individual characteristics of each student. At all times, it was difficult to find a profession that does not require some knowledge of mathematics. Mathematical education, being one of the main structural components of functional literacy, also provides each person with the opportunity to master the minimum of mathematical knowledge that is necessary for a full-fledged life in a cultural environment, for the application of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of studying mathematics to solve a wide range of everyday problems. The paper analyzes key aspects such as the development of mathematical thinking, work with theoretical material, practice of solving problems, an individual approach and the use of additional resources. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the quality and results of educational activities, but also on the development and further development of such mental cognitive processes as thinking, imagination, memory, attention, speech. Cognitive interest does not arise independently, without external influence and internal acceptance, but is formed purposefully on the basis of personal needs, moral convictions, value priorities, etc.
Keywords: school, students, cognitive interest, mathematical olympiads, educational platforms.
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For citation: Sekinaeva B.Sh. Olympiad as a means of forming schoolchildren’s cognitive interest in mathematics. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 439-446.