ISSN 2409-7616

Chernogor I.A.


UDC 339.9

Chernogor I.A.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) –

1Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract. The modern food supply in Russia, and the export structure itself have undergone a number of changes in recent years, this is due to a large extent to the constant pressure of the West on our country. The article considers the issues of forming the country’s export potential in the food market in the current conditions of constant sanctions pressure on Russia, thereby confirming the relevance of the topic we have outlined in modern realities. The object of the study is the food market of Russia. The subject of the study is the assessment of the country’s export potential in the food market. In this study, the author proposes criteria according to which the assessment of Russia’s export potential is carried out, and also systematizes and structures the elements of the formula for the country’s export potential in the food market, taking into account the latest innovations and developments in the field of artificial intelligence, a total of five components are defined, ranked according to their importance, indicating the maximum values of weight indicators for each component. The author conducted a survey, during which the respondents chose the most significant component for them, influencing the country’s export potential in the food market. A total of 20 people took part in the study. The scientific novelty of this study lies in highlighting current issues related to assessing the country’s export potential in the food market. The paper presents the author’s approach to ensuring the growth of export potential based on the analysis of the impact of individual processes on Russia’s economic security. The practical significance of the research results is that the presented methodology includes five components ranked by their importance, indicating the maximum values of weight indicators for each component, which can be used for the export assessment of the Russian food market and a specific region. Recommendations are given for the formation of the country’s export potential. The main conclusion is that at present the country needs to establish mechanisms for an export-oriented economy that will strengthen technological sovereignty.

Keywords: export, import, food security, export potential, national export-oriented economy, sanctions, technological sovereignty, artificial intelligence, human resources potential, national economy.


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For citation: Chernogor I.A. Assessment of the country’s export potential in the food market. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 415-428.