Vinichenko V.A.
UDC 378.147.88
Vinichenko V.A.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) –
1North-Eastern Federal University
Abstract. Marketing is a fundamental academic discipline in the preparation of bachelors studying of 42.03.01. «Advertising and public relations». Active use in future professional activities of both certain marketing tools and technologies, and the basic terminology is proving it. At the same time, it is necessary to take into consideration the specifics of marketing activities in the real and digital space, which together significantly affect the dynamics of sales and profit of an organization. The presence of companies in the virtual space positively influences the formation of a positive reputation, the level of competitiveness of its trademarks (brands), the degree of development of relations with consumers. Moreover, the importance of digital skills development in our country is confirmed by the adoption and implementation of the state national program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». The relevance of the academic discipline is confirmed by the presence in the curriculum of academic bachelor’s marketing competence, which relates to the cluster of professional competencies. The article is aimed at developing and presenting practical-oriented tasks aimed at developing the marketing competence of bachelors within the study discipline «Marketing in advertising and public relations». The main methods of the study were analysis, monitoring, synthesis of specialized literature. It is recommended to use the results in the educational process not only in this discipline, but also in the development of such subjects as «Marketing research and situational analysis», «Media planning», «Branding and corporate style», «Crisis technologies» as well as in the work of teachers in colleges. Novelty of the work is determined by the primary development of practice-oriented tasks that contribute to the development of marketing competence in bachelors studying specialty 42.03.01. «Advertising and Public Relations», the professional activity of which will inevitably be connected with the use of digital services and tools in order to increase the efficiency of marketing activities of the company. Supporting the quality of education requires the inclusion of such practice-oriented tasks in the educational process.
Keywords: bachelor, marketing, marketing, professional, advertising and public relations, student, competence.
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For citation: Vinichenko V.A. Digital technologies in the development of marketing competence of bachelories. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 405-414.