ISSN 2409-7616

Etuev Kh.Kh., Shupayev A.V., Sokolova S.K., Dorofeeva E.P.



Etuev Kh.Kh.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –; Shupayev A.V.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –; Sokolova S.K.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –; Dorofeeva E.P.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –

1Innopolis University

Abstract. As part of the “Digital Departments” project, Innopolis University was tasked in 2022 with conducting a comprehensive assessment of the development of digital competencies among students enrolled in additional professional retraining programs implemented by universities participating in the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia’s “Priority 2030” program. Consequently, over the two years of the “Digital Departments” project, our organization gathered material that enabled scientific research. The aim of this article is to present the generalized results of the assessment of the formation of digital competencies among students within the framework of the “Digital Departments” project. Thus, this article presents an analysis of the results of the final assessments conducted for the programs implemented on the basis of “digital departments”. The research methodology is based on the use of analysis, comparison, and synthesis of data on the number of students mastering the professional retraining programs (PRP), the competencies being formed, their scopes, profiles, and the economic sectors of the PRP, etc. The primary data for the study were obtained from the assessment conducted on an automated competency assessment platform developed by Innopolis University. The conducted research has several features. Firstly, it generalizes the results of all PRP implementations within the “Digital Departments” project. Secondly, this research allows for detailing certain aspects of the “Digital Departments” project that are not presented in official information sources (the names and number of economic sectors in which the programs are implemented, scopes of competencies, the total number of competencies, the most and least demanded competencies, etc.). Thirdly, the study provides information on the results of mastering PRPs by students of various age groups. All these features determine the novelty of the research.

Keywords: assessment, evaluation, professional retraining, levels of formation, digital departments, digital competencies, scopes of competencies.


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For citation: Etuev Kh.Kh., Shupayev A.V., Sokolova S.K., Dorofeeva E.P. Assessment of digital competencies within the implementation of the federal project “Digital departments”. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 371-385.