Kovalev V.V.
UDC 37.013
Kovalev V.V.1 (Rostov-On-Don, Russian Federation) – mr.val.kovalev@yandex.ru
1Southern Federal University
Abstract. In this scientific article the author considers technological aspects of ensuring agent involvement of high school students in extracurricular activities in the process of civic education. The article reveals the advantages of extracurricular activities in ensuring the process of civic education of high school students. Potential barriers to the process of civic education of students, carried out by agents of socialization, are determined. It is substantiated that agent involvement of high school students in extracurricular activities associated with the implementation of the process of civic education is an effective means of overcoming them, since it allows the high school student to personally be an agent of his own socialization. Based on the concept of education of a person of culture by E.V. Bondarevskaya, target guidelines for civic education are defined. Objective and subjective factors of the process of civic education are revealed. It is determined that, being one of the leading directions in the development of subjectivity and a subjective factor of civic education, agent involvement of high school students in extracurricular activities is a means of improving the quality of this activity, as well as the process of civic education carried out through it. This occurs through overcoming the stages of the amotivational cycle identified in this article and presented in the format of a drawing. Based on the deep technology of education developed in the studies of V.V. Shogan, the technological aspects of ensuring the agentic involvement of high school students in extracurricular activities in the process of civic education are determined: ensuring the effective presence of the student in extracurricular classes and events; organizing this pedagogical process on positive examples that students will have to follow based on personal choice; on ensuring the methodological conditions for this involvement through the implementation of the presented invariant structure of an extracurricular lesson. The article actualizes the potential of this technology, aimed at improving the quality of the process of civic education of high school students, carried out in extracurricular activities, since it presents and reveals the stages of eliminating the amotivation of a high school student to extracurricular activities.
Keywords: civic education, extracurricular activities, agentic involvement.
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For citation: Kovalev V.V. Technological aspects of ensuring agent involvement of high school students in extracurricular activities in the process of civic education. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 351-361.