Valieva T.I., Tibilova I.D.
UDC 371
Valieva T.I.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –; Tibilova I.D.2 (Tskhinvali, Republic of South Ossetia) –
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
2South Ossetian State University named after A.A. Tibilov
Abstract. The article is devoted to modern problems of innovative processes in the education system, the effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in teaching native literature, the use of which makes it possible to comprehend the main idea of the author, his leading idea. As a result of using multimedia technologies, the formation of personal qualities of students occurs. Novelty, colorfulness and diversity of multimedia resources enhance learning motivation, stimulate cognitive interest, ensure the perception of educational information by several senses at once, form the ability to model a linguacultural type, to personify an artistic concept. The unusualness and originality of the created image have a positive effect on schoolchildren, introducing them to understanding the behavior, actions and deeds of characters, sometimes even making them an example to follow. In the process of introducing schoolchildren to literary heroes, the teacher uses slides with a variety of illustrative material: reproductions of paintings, photographs, diagrams, actions, deeds and experiences of heroes, etc. The use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to fully imagine the content of the work, to create a model from the given symbols, drawings, signs in order to obtain a harmoniously coherent genre. The educational technologies described in the article contribute not only to increasing motivation for native literature, but also to changing the nature of the attitude to the discipline as a whole. The use of multimedia technologies in the process of teaching native literature is aimed at modifying the style of relationships between the teacher and students. The teacher ceases to be a transmitter of educational information and takes the position of a tutor, a mentor, regulating the independent activities of students. His main role is to set goals for the educational process, create the conditions necessary for the effective solution of the tasks put forward.
Keywords: education, schoolchildren, multimedia technologies, teaching native literature, Internet map, information and communication technologies, visualization of educational material content.
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For citation: Valieva T.I., Tibilova I.D. The role of multimedia technologies in teaching native literature. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 323-330.