Tsoraeva F.N.
UDC 371
Tsoraeva F.N.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) aslan.sukhov.95@mail.ru
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
Abstract. The relevance of the problem of developing and implementing innovative mechanisms for improving art education in a comprehensive school as an important means of personal development of schoolchildren, expanding the educational potential of art education in a modern educational organization is due to the need to modernize the entire education system in connection with global transformations that have affected all areas of government structures. In the conditions of the modern information society, educational and upbringing activities, as a professionally organized process of introducing schoolchildren to self-expression, self-development, personal development and creative thinking, are characterized by versatility, multi-aspect, and innovative focus. This suggests that in educational organizations the problem of development and implementation of innovative approaches to art education, moral and aesthetic education into the educational process has become relevant, requiring fundamentally new mechanisms for organizing the educational and upbringing process, mastering inventive algorithms for solving complex non-standard situations in everyday life. Undoubtedly, the educational potential of art education in educational institutions will continuously grow if appropriate pedagogical conditions are created for this, based on such important components as: development of imagination and creative thinking: emotional development; formation of aesthetic taste; cultural influence; education and training; personal experience; self-development; individual characteristics; self-identification and self-expression; social skills and cultural enrichment. Based on the listed components, the article proposes the main directions for expanding the educational potential of art education for schoolchildren through thematic classes, reproductions of famous artists, musical works, famous animated films, which contribute to understanding the need and necessity for obtaining a quality art education.
Keywords: schoolchildren, educational process, art education, emotional development, moral and aesthetic education.
For citation: Tsoraeva F.N. The role of art education in the personal development of schoolchildren. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 267-274.
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