Zyazin S.Yu., Kozachek A.V., Antonov A.A., Baksheev A.I., Denisova D.A.
UDC 378.1
Zyazin S.Yu.1,2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – wasatyay@mail.ru; Kozachek A.V.3 (Tambov, Russian Federation) – avkozachek@list.ru; Antonov A.A.4 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – alexejantonov@vk.com; Baksheev A.I.5 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation) – baksh-ai@yandex.ru; Denisova D.A.6 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – Dina_D_05@mail.ru
1State university of education,
2Fund for rehabilitation and resocialization of the civilian population “SVOI”
3Tambov State Technical University
4Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
5Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
6Artificial Intelligence and Socio-Social Technologies of the Digital Society Russian State Social University
Abstract. High competition and increasing societal expectations for higher education necessitate the transformation and qualitative improvement of management processes. This paper addresses the professionalization of university management, with the goal of identifying its key directions and foundations for integration. The research methodology is based on a mixed-method approach, combining a theoretical analysis of scientific sources with an expert survey involving administrative staff from Russian higher education institutions. The development of management professionalization issues will allow for the optimization of intra-university processes, leading to the improvement of scientific and teaching activities, as well as to the effective integration of the university into the external socio-economic environment. As part of the work, experts identified areas of professionalization, including organizational culture, human and financial resources, which contributes to a comprehensive consideration of the issue and the practical study of educational management processes. The results underscore the value of strategic planning for diversifying and efficiently allocating the university’s unique resources. To enhance the quality of education and research in higher education, further professionalization of management is needed, particularly through the adoption of innovative, including IT-based, decision-making technologies. The study’s limitation lies in the narrow selection of expert participants, prompting the authors to suggest further research that expands the understanding of university management professionalization by engaging more professionals, including those from other countries.
Keywords: higher education, strategic management, organizational culture, education transformation, mission, talent management.
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For citation: Zyazin S.Yu., Kozachek A.V., Antonov A.A., Baksheev A.I., Denisova D.A. Professionalization of university management in Russia. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 99-110.