Kochieva E.R., Chibirova A.Kh.
UDC 371
Kochieva E.R.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – georgodjiev@bk.ru; Chibirova A.Kh.2 (Tskhinvali, Republic of South Ossetia) – alsigur@mail.ru
1North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov 2South Ossetian State University named after A. A. Tibilov
Abstract. The article is devoted to a modern urgent problem, namely, the identification of psychological and pedagogical features of the attitude of adolescents to a healthy lifestyle. Based on the theoretical analysis of existing scientific, methodological and methodological materials reflecting certain methods and means of solving the problem under study, the article presents the main ideas for the formation of adolescents’ value attitude to a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the body’s defenses, raising a physically healthy and happy person focused on acquiring the values of safe and highly moral behavior. The authors of the article prove the thesis that the leading role in maintaining and strengthening health belongs, first of all, to the person himself, his attitudes to a healthy lifestyle, values and moral guidelines. One of the most important problems associated with health is the definition of the factors of its preservation and strengthening. The search for these factors is of great practical importance, since it allows you to purposefully manage health both at the level of different social groups and individuals. The solution to this problem today is far from complete, which is due to the influence of many different aspects on a person. Based on the analysis of scientific research, as well as our own observations, the article presents the following classification of methods for forming a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, which consists of two or three groups: methods for forming consciousness, aimed at educating the younger generation in a deep understanding of the need for education and formation of a healthy lifestyle; methods for organizing activities and forming behavioral experience, aimed at educating beliefs, a sense of need for education of a healthy lifestyle; methods related to practical activities for the implementation of education of a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: high school students, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, adolescence, healthy lifestyle.
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For citation: Kochieva E.R., Chibirova A.Kh. Psychological and pedagogical features of adolescents’ attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 53-62.