Zhakshylykov B.A.
UDC 378
Zhakshylykov B.A.1 (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) – bekzhan.zhakshylykov@gmail.com
1Ala-Too International University
Abstract. In the era of globalization and integration of educational systems of different countries, academic mobility is becoming especially important for students of higher educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan studying foreign languages. The article examines how academic mobility can contribute to language training, cultural adaptation and professional development of students. The relevance of the study is due to the need to strengthen language training, cultural adaptation and professional development of students through international educational programs. The purpose of the article is to study the role of academic mobility in improving students’ language competence, their intercultural competence and professional connections. Research methods include analysis of academic mobility programs, their results and identification of the main challenges faced by students. Particular attention is given to how studying abroad improves students’ language competence through immersion in a linguistic environment, develops their intercultural competence and tolerance, and strengthens professional and academic connections. We analyze current academic mobility programs, their outcomes, and the main challenges faced by students. Based on this analysis, we offer recommendations for the further development and support of academic mobility in Kyrgyzstan. This, in turn, will help to modernize the educational process and increase the competitiveness of graduates in the international job market.
Keywords: integration, academic mobility, educational space, foreign language, national education systems.
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For citation: Zhakshylykov B.A. Integration potential of academic mobility of students of universities of Kyrgyzstan. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 517-527.