ISSN 2409-7616

Guzeeva S.V.


UDC 378

Guzeeva S.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Kutafin Moscow State Law University

Abstract.The article is dedicated to the issue of overcoming language-related psychological barriers in teaching English at a law university. The aim of the article is to analyze the psychological barriers to learning English at a law university. The article examines various barriers identified by law students: external objective barriers, barriers related to the behavior and competence of the teacher, and finally, cognitive, affective, and personal barriers. The study utilized research methods such as the analysis of scientific and methodological works on the research topic, surveys, and the processing and interpretation of research results. The article emphasizes the crucial role of teacher competence in overcoming language-related psychological barriers in learning English. From this perspective, the novelty of the research lies in the author’s recommendations for English language teachers on overcoming these barriers: systematic support for a favorable emotional-psychological atmosphere, consideration of students’ individual psychological characteristics, boosting their self-esteem, positive evaluation of academic achievements, creating situations of immersion in the foreign language environment, choosing the right teaching strategy, and so on. The author identifies effective methods such as the use of language games in class, the “mask method,” studying set expressions and speech formulas, and making classroom communication as close to real life as possible. The author concludes that overcoming language-related psychological barriers is an important condition for ensuring students’ successful acquisition of foreign language competence.

Keywords: Language-related psychological barrier (LRPB), English language (EL), foreign language learning, students, lawyers.


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For citation: Guzeeva S.V. Linguistic psychological barriers and teacher’s competence to overcome them in the process of studying English by law students. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 277-286.