ISSN 2409-7616

Lanina S.Yu.


UDC 378.147

Lanina S.Yu.1 (Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation) –

1Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of including, in the process of organizing the educational process, a student teacher in socio-cultural activities. The main forms of social activity that can be used in organizing the educational process in teacher training are considered. To them, according to M.S. Kagan include: value-oriented form of activity; transformative form of activity; cognitive form of activity; communicative form of activity; aesthetic form of activity. Each of these forms of activity is described in detail. The correlation of socio-cultural activities with the educational technology «Service learning» was carried out. The curriculum in the direction of training 44.03.05 – Pedagogical education, profile «Technology», profile «Economics» was analyzed in order to highlight disciplines and practices within which students can carry out various types of activities that relate to socio-cultural and are consistent with educational technology «Service Learning». So, in the process of studying the discipline «Methods of arts and crafts», students can perform, at the request of customers, the following types of activities: Conducting master classes, classes, clubs for children and adults, in social institutions (decorative painting of products; embroidery; lace weaving; patchwork plastic, etc.). The organization and implementation of various socio-cultural activities during the learning process will allow the student to improve their professional level, develop the necessary competencies, and feel the significance and necessity of their future profession.

Keywords: socio-cultural activities, students, higher school, teacher training, «Service learning».


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For citation: Lanina S.Yu. Teacher training in a modern university on the means of organizing socio-cultural activities. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 205-211.