Ader A.V., Dudko A.V., Emets M.S., Krivolapov V.G., Laneeva E.A.
UDC 330.546
Ader A.V.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Dudko A.V.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Emets M.S.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Krivolapov V.G.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Laneeva E.A.3 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Samara State University of Railways
2Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
3State University of Management
Abstract. The article reveals the features of the economy of the public sector from the perspective of science, presenting this economic institution as related, systematized, comprehensive activities aimed at studying the sector of the economy, where resources are distributed not through market processes, but through the use of other economic institutions, mainly through the state. The object of study of public sector economics is the actions taken to form and use public resources, the impact of the state on the economic situation and behavior of organizations/firms and households. The study of the economy of the public sector is carried out taking into account the economic behavior of the state as a subject of a market economy. When analyzing this behavior, the basic principles of microeconomics are taken into account, and the interaction between the state and the market at the macroeconomic level is also studied. The study of the economy of the public sector includes an analysis of the structure and functions of government bodies, mechanisms of state regulation of the economy, as well as their influence on the formation of the country’s economic policy. An important aspect of the study is also the analysis of financial flows and the budget process in the state, which has a significant impact on economic development and social processes. Another important area of research is the study of the relationship between the public sector and the private sector of the economy, as well as their interaction at various levels. This allows us to better understand the dynamics of the country’s economic development, identify key factors influencing the effectiveness of government programs and activities, and also identify opportunities for improving interaction between different sectors of the economy. The study of public sector economics also includes analysis of the effectiveness of public investment, assessment of the impact of tax and budget policies on economic development, as well as the study of mechanisms for ensuring social stability and balance in the economy. In general, studying this topic allows us to better understand the role of the state in the economy and develop effective strategies for managing economic processes at the state level.
Keywords: state, economics, public sector of the economy, public administration, public goods, macroeconomics, microeconomics.
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For citation: Ader A.V., Dudko A.V., Emets M.S., Krivolapov V.G., Laneeva E.A. Transcendental features of the economy of the public sector. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 104-122