ISSN 2409-7616

Wagner M.-N.L., Ovezova W.A.


UDC 372.881.1

Wagner M.-N.L.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Ovezova W.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1RUDN University

Abstract. The article investigates the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as an important component of the development of students’ listening skills in the process of foreign language education. The concept of “information and communication technologies” is clarified. Criteria for selecting ICT tools that can be used to develop students’ listening skills as an important condition of speech communication are proposed. The questions of communicative competence and its role in the process of teaching students in higher education institutions are considered. Attention is paid to the importance of auditory orientation during foreign language (FL) teaching. Effective ICT tools for the development of listening skills are proposed, in particular the use of virtual learning platforms, interactive virtual scenarios, podcasts and audiobooks, interactive tasks, language recognition technologies, language applications, online lectures and videos demonstrating various approaches to the use of ICT in the development of students’ listening skills in the process of foreign language education. Special attention is paid to exercises for the development of listening skills with the use of ICT tools that promote the development of listening comprehension skills, improve correct pronunciation and vocabulary, in particular, the use of audio recordings for listening to dialogues, audio books in a foreign language, interactive audio games; the creation of exercises using modern Internet platforms. It is noted that the use of ICT tools for the development of students’ listening skills is a necessary condition for foreign language learning. It is emphasized that ICT tools can potentially stimulate the improvement of communicative skills, positively influencing the organization of the whole process of speech education through greater informativeness, reliability, visibility, intensification of learning.

Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), foreign language (FL), teaching methodology, listening, listening skills, communicative competence, foreign language education.


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For citation: Wagner M.-N.L., Ovezova U.A. Using ICT tools to develop students’ listening skills. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 15-24.