Zyryanova I.M., Genvareva Yu.A., Marchenkova N.G.
UDC 378
Zyryanova I.M.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – zyrianovaim2@mail.ru; Genvareva Yu.A.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – genvar@mail.ru; Marchenkova N.G.3 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – nata_nata1973@mail.ru
1Omsk State University of Railway Engineering
2Samara State Transport University
3Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin
Abstract. In this scientific article, the authors consider the problem of the formation of general cultural and digital competencies of students of technical specialties of an engineering university. As a solution to this problem, scientists propose to consider the method of educational projects. The method of educational projects is an effective means of forming general cultural and digital competencies among undergraduate students of an engineering university. This method allows students to apply their knowledge in practice, develop teamwork skills, analytical thinking, creativity and independence. Working on educational projects helps to increase students’ motivation to study, as they see the specific result of their work and its applicability in solving applied problems. The project method is aimed at involving students in active independent activities (planning, self-organization, self-assessment, correction of results). In addition, the method of educational projects contributes to the development of students’ communication skills, as they are forced to communicate with each other, as well as with teachers and specialists from different fields. Digital competencies are also actively developing when working on educational projects, as students use modern information technologies to solve problems. They learn how to work with databases, data modeling and analysis programs, and develop programming skills. The authors present the experience of using the project method in the educational process of a technical university. The methodology for evaluating the individual project (abstract) activity of a student is posted, as well as an assessment sheet containing a description of the advantages and disadvantages of students’ preparedness, which allows you to relieve possible emotional stress when summarizing, objectively evaluate the results of individual work. The method of educational projects is an effective tool for the formation of general cultural and digital competencies among undergraduate students of an engineering university and contributes to their successful professional development.
Keywords: project method, competencies, natural sciences, undergraduate students, assessment methodology.
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For citation: Zyryanova I.M., Genvareva Yu.A., Marchenkova N.G. The method of educational projects as a means of forming general cultural and digital competencies of undergraduate students of an engineering university. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 52-63.