Gorlova N.I., Starovoitova L.I.
UDC 37.01:364
Gorlova N.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – gorlovanat@yandex.ru; Starovoitova L.I.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – starovojtova@list.ru
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
2Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
Abstract. This article examines the features and significance of social service as a form of socially significant activity aimed at solving significant social problems of society, and formulates theoretical and methodological justifications for social service. Based on the presented scientific, methodological and methodological materials, the main ideas of integrating volunteer practice technologies through service learning into the educational process of the university are considered. The methodology of service learning is considered as a combination of personal needs, public and state orders. Its distinctive features and stages of implementation in educational processes are shown. Within the framework of the study, the main and additional organizational and methodological conditions for the introduction of service learning in the context of innovative approaches to the system of vocational education are highlighted. Service learning is presented by the authors as a methodology for the formation of social responsibility and civic engagement of student youth in the learning process, which corresponds to the purpose of the educational module ” service learning ” — integration into the educational process of socially useful activities. This approach allows not only to train a student as a future professional, but also to form him as a socially responsible person. The results of the study can be useful for teachers and heads of educational institutions who are interested in developing students’ professional competencies and civic participation in solving problems of the local community.
Keywords: social service, service learning, civil society, civic engagement, youth, social development, volunteerism.
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For citation: Gorlova N.I., Starovoitova L.I. «Service learning»: a methodology for the formation of civic engagement and social responsibility of students. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 17-31.