Smolina E.Y.
UDC 378.1
Smolina E.Y.1 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
Abstract. The trends of the modern world inevitably have an impact on the infrastructure environment of the university, forming and creating new conditions for the qualitative transformation of the lives of all participants in the educational space both inside and outside the campus, while defining other requirements for the content, organization, forms and methods of management activities in relation to the development of the infrastructure of the university. Changes in the campus infrastructure of a modern university should be aimed not only at improving the public space of the university from the point of view of a comfortable stay of all participants in the educational process, but also to create conditions attractive for work and creativity of both students and teachers, as well as for the business community and research organizations. One of the tasks of the transformation of the university’s campus policy is to embed the boundaries of the university campus into the urban infrastructure, which will increase the number of strategic partners ready to enter into a single educational space in order to offer their own and use the university infrastructure. The need to transform the university’s campus infrastructure that meets modern needs requires different approaches to developing a policy for the development of the educational organization’s campus infrastructure, taking into account the current state of facilities, their workload, and use purposes. The developed campus solutions should also be specified taking into account the existing features and specifics of the university’s activities, territorial location, development directions. Thus, the policy being developed for the development of the campus and infrastructure environment of the university should include management decisions aimed at the effective use of the existing infrastructure of the university and the creation of new spaces.
Keywords: the campus project, the campus infrastructure of the university, the campus, the infrastructure of the educational institution, the transformation of the campus infrastructure of the university.
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For citation:
Smolina E.Y. Policy for the development of the campus infrastructure of an educational institution. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.512-519. DOI: