ISSN 2409-7616

Burganov R.A.



UDC 330.101; 330.16

Burganov R.A.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Kazan State Power Engineering University

Abstract. In modern conditions, in the field of view of many researchers is the search for new methods of studying the behavior of economic entities in the field of consumption and production of energy resources, including households. However, the availability of a palette of scientific methodologies does not allow objectively obtaining meaningful results. The development of energy-saving technologies, the limited natural resources of energy production, as well as the increase in the cost of purchased energy resources require new approaches to the study of the implementation of rational or irrational behavior of households. In this article, in the analysis of the behavior of households, elements of the neoclassical direction of economic theory are used. The paper defines the types of behavior of households in energy consumption. It has been determined that constant changes in the regulatory framework for the development of the energy sector do not contribute to the formation of rational behavior of households in energy saving. It is proposed that when drawing up state programs, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a large number of theoretical and methodological provisions that consider the features of the mechanism for using different types of energy, among which neoclassical provisions occupy a special place, since they directly affect the formation of the behavior of households in energy saving in the short term.

Keywords: household behavior; energy saving; modeling; neoclassical theory.


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For citation:

Burganov R.A. Households in energy saving: theoretical and behavioral aspect. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.422-430. DOI: