ISSN 2409-7616

Dronova N.A.



UDC 37.013.21

Dronova N.A.1 (Stavropol, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1North Caucasus Federal University

Abstract.The article examines the possibilities of a virtual educational environment, namely social and communicative communities. This is a rapidly developing, multi-stage system that combines important didactic, technological and pedagogical parameters of the virtual educational environment (innovative and traditional technologies; information resources: databases and knowledge, libraries, electronic educational materials; modern software tools: software shells, electronic communication tools). There are various social and communicative communities that can stimulate the development of many competencies in the formation of schoolchildren as a harmoniously developed personality that meets the needs of modern society. Such socio-communicative community to perform many functions, among which the most prominent is the development of research, have received particular attention and relevance in the present time in connection with the requirements of the new standard and, as a consequence, the shifting role of teachers in the educational process of the school. The article analyzes the ways of introducing such social and communicative communities into the educational process, such as Instagram Facebook, Facebook, some communities based on the listed social networks, for example, Arzamas. academy, as well as sites with a certain subject orientation, for example, Scratch, virtual museums, the use of such resources seems promising because it is much easier and more interesting for schoolchildren to learn new knowledge using tools that are already familiar to them, which become interactive in the learning process. The appeal to such social and communicative communities will help to solve a number of problems (communication with the teacher, involvement in research activities, compliance with modernity, development of independent work skills in extracurricular activities) that have arisen during the educational process.

Keywords: social and communicative communities, research activity, virtual environment, educational process, school education, education, social networks, research activities, educational opportunities, social and communicative development.


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For citation:

Dronova N.A. The role of socio-communicative communities in the development of research activity of students in a virtual learning environment. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.450-459. DOI: