ISSN 2409-7616

Antonova T.V.



UDC 37.025.7

Antonova T.V.1 (Bryansk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Bryansk State University Named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky

Abstract. The field of dialogic communication, which assumes the ability of a student to conduct a conversation, discussion, participating in a dialogue and polylogue, is widely represented in the methodology of higher education. Students collect and systematize facts, criticize the position of opposing participants. They are able to build arguments and defend their position. However, there are also a number of difficulties that affect the formation of the communicative culture of students as a whole, such as the inability to distinguish and introduce the subject of conversation, insufficient knowledge of discussion techniques. The teacher is interested in a lively discussion of problematic topics, but lacks methodological materials on the subject of the discussion. He finds it difficult to determine the purpose and logic of the development of the dialogue. Sometimes he cannot define the communicative contribution of each participant. In addition, there are not enough studies in the scientific literature that consider the problem of teaching various forms of informative dialogue revealing the connection between teaching informative forms of dialogue and the motivation of teaching. All of the above determines the relevance of the work undertaken. The informative dialogue of several functional and semantic types is treated as the object of the study. The article theoretically substantiates the need for a wider use of informative dialogue, taking into account the communicative contribution of the participant in the discussion, and presents the results of an experimental test of the effectiveness of the developed methodology. The subject of the study is the functional and semantic characteristics that allow us to model the information dialogue. In accordance with the purpose and subject of the work, it is assumed that teaching students the basics of a theoretical discipline will be more successful if differentiated types of dialogue are used in the learning process. It should be carried out on the basis of special exercises that form the skills for conducting a creative dialogue. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the theoretical justification and practical implementation of the dialogue on the basis of its functional and semantic characteristics.

Keywords: dialogic communication, information dialogue, functional and semantic characteristics, communicative contribution of the participant of the discussion, teaching informative forms of dialogue.


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For citation:

Antonova T.V. Functional and semantic characteristics of the information dialogue in the educational process at the university. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.210-225. DOI: