Adelmurzina I.F., Galiev K.M., Leshan I.Yu., Fairuzov I.I., Khizbullina R.Z.
UDC 372.8
Adelmurzina I.F.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Galiev K.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Leshan I.Yu.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Fairuzov I.I.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Khizbullina R.Z.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Bashkir State University
Abstract. Phenological observations in nature help to teacher allow making a conclusion for children that gradual change in external conditions (the height of the sun above the horizon, the length of the day, the air temperature, the state of water and soil) leads to changes in plant life (leaf fall, leaf blooming, flowering, fruiting, etc.) depending on the season. Understanding the close relationship between the organism and the environment will allow in the future to move on to the study of the diversity of species of living organisms and the peculiarities of their development. The curiosity of children during phenological observations in nature manifests itself in a variety of questions that arise in children.The article also notes that considering nature as a whole, as a complex system with its many connections, the teacher is guided by environmental sciences, based on the provision on the interaction of man with nature. For the formation of the ecological worldview of children, it is necessary to constantly observe the many manifestations and changes in nature. The article provides material for the organization of phenological observations in nature in the autumn season.As a result of phenological observations in nature, children develop the ability to generalize what they see and express their sensory sensations in the form of coherent stories, artistic play and work activities. Under the influence of impressions, the attitude towards nature also changes significantly. There is a desire to understand the relationship between man and nature, to preserve its beauty. To know the subject, natural phenomena, to understand the connection between them, to coexist harmoniously with nature and psychologically be ready to preserve natural values everywhere, always and at any time of the year – this is the main meaningful idea of this article.
Keywords: phenological observations, seasons, autumn, invironmental education, connections between subjects, natural sciences.
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For citation:
Adelmurzina I.F., Galiev K.M., Leshan I.Yu., Fairuzov I.I., Khizbullina R.Z. Peculiarities of phenological observations in nature in the autumn season with pupils. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.35-47. DOI: