ISSN 2409-7616

Mahrina E.A., Ruban E.V.



UDC 37.034:159.316.624    

Mahrina E.A.1 (Sevastopol, Russian Federation) – Е-mail:, Ruban E.V.2 (Taganrog, Russian Federation) – Е-mail:

1Sevastopol State University

2Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov

Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the influence of addiction on the illegal behavior of a person. The article provides a brief description of addictive and illegal behavior, as well as clarifies the questions: how addictions affect the commission of illegal actions of adolescents. As a result of empirical research, it was revealed that adolescents who are registered with the police, for the most part, have addictive behavior. The adolescents of this group, when faced with a difficult life situation, instead of a positive solution to it, use unproductive defense mechanisms, they use their individual “forbidden” methods of psychological defense, which they have already tested and entrenched in their minds. They have adopted these defense mechanisms (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and for the most part have behaviors that are dependent on them. We can see this from the results of the conducted methods “Diagnosis of tendency to deviant behavior” (A. N. Orel) and “Solving difficult situations.” The adolescents of the experimental group cannot overcome difficult situations in a productive way, but replace it with “forbidden” methods of psychological defense, as a result of which they form various addictions that lead them to illegal behavior. As a recommendation, it was proposed for adolescents with any kind of addiction to organize a system of social and pedagogical assistance, support and support, including a complex of preventive and corrective measures. These activities must be carried out everywhere, both in educational institutions and at their place of residence.

Keywords: addiction, dependent behavior, illegal behavior.


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For citation:

Mahrina E.A., Ruban E.V. Addiction influence on individual’ illegal behavior. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.313-321. DOI: