Kovshikova E.V., Shindryaev S.O.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.22
UDC 331.1
Kovshikova E.V.1 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) – E-mail: kelenav1@yandex.ru, Shindryaev S.O.2 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) – E-mail: ser.sindr@gmail.com
1Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia
2Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the specifics of value management and the possibilities of its influence on organizational culture. The subject of the author’s research interest was the features of value management in the organizational culture of the state civil service. Civil service is a collective term for the public administration sector, consisting mainly of civil servants employed on professional merit. The public service is fundamentally different from the private sector. The range of government objectives and the constraints imposed by political power make it impossible to transfer private sector practices quickly. Different operating conditions also seem to influence organizational culture, and perhaps explain why cultural change can be more complex in the public service than in the private sector. In the article, the key object of the research is the organizational culture of the state civil service. The paper aims to identify the deep characteristics of the organizational culture of the state civil service based on the value orientations of employees. The concept of values is particularly relevant in the public service. What are for many civil servants the core values, such as impartiality, loyalty, fairness, accountability, and fairness, were defined more than a hundred and fifty years ago. However, recently, value conflicts have emerged in the context of the modernization of public services. It is concluded that in modern socio-economic conditions, the dissonance of value orientations and goals leads to the deformation of the organizational culture of civil servants. The results of regional sociological studies of organizational culture are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that, despite the significant research interest in the issues of value management in the organization and the presence of a significant number of works devoted to this problem, the issues of the specifics of value management of the organizational culture of the state civil service still remain on the periphery of the research interests of scientists.
Keywords: values, value management, engagement, consistency, adaptability, mission, organizational culture, public civil service.
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For citation:
Kovshikova E.V., Shindryaev S.O. Value management of organizational culture: the possibilities of application in the system of public civil service. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.223-231. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.22