Yusupalieva L.N., Kurmanova A.M.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.44
UDC 378:372.8(47):37.014.6
Yusupalieva L.N.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) – E-mail: liliya_270589@inbox.ru, Kurmanova A.M.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) – E-mail: akurmanova2014@mail.ru
1Astrakhan State Medical University
Abstract. The article addresses the problem of teaching foreign students in classes in the Russian language as a foreign language (hereinafter – RFL). In the method of teaching the Russian as a foreign language, the independent work of students occupies a significant place. The article is devoted to one of the techniques of independent work used to improve knowledge of the Russian language as a foreign language using the student’s individual route sheet. The main content of the study is aimed at presenting the route sheet as an effective reception of work with students. The idea is justified that the use of a route sheet makes it possible to intensify work and gain knowledge on its own, as well as automate and modernize the process of working as a teacher with failing students. This problem is largely due to the uneven time of arrival of students in Russia, which leads to a decrease in the level of academic achievement, slows down the learning process. The authors of the article reveal one of the tasks of the teacher of RFL — to introduce new information on given topics according to the curriculum, as well as to teach to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The article highlights and describes the features of working with a route sheet. The authors give a generalized characteristic of the route list In Russian as a foreign language, which is a plan of action of a foreign student to fulfill and consolidate the material studied according to the curriculum. The article below provides an example of a route sheet. The authors conclude that the use of route sheets in the learning process organizes a clear strategy for working with students both at the initial stage of study and at the repetition stage.
Keywords: route sheet, foreign students, independent work, Russian as a foreign language, teacher of RFL.
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For citation:
Yusupalieva L.N., Kurmanova A.M. Methods for improving knowledge in Russian as a foreign language (on the example of using the trainer’s route sheet). CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.488-494. DOI:http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.44