ISSN 2409-7616

Mezentseva E.V., Korolyuk E.V.



UDC 334.021

Mezentseva E.V.1 (Tikhoretsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Korolyuk E.V.1 (Tikhoretsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Kuban state University

Abstract. The main issue of the study was the problem of ecology of all regions and localities of modern Russia, which has a pronounced negative trend, while the general deterioration of the situation is caused not only by environmental pollution, waste discharges and harmful emissions into the atmosphere, but also by insufficient disposal of municipal and industrial waste. The current dynamics do not allow us to effectively use the country’s resource potential and, accordingly, create an environmental threat, which has an extremely negative impact on the life and health of the population. The development of environmental business is a necessary condition for achieving the strategic goals and national objectives set by Russia in terms of environmental protection and environmental safety. This suggests that the state and its subjects need to take effective regulatory, economic, social, environmental and legal measures that will stimulate the development of environmental entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of entrepreneurship in solving environmental problems and to identify mechanisms for supporting ecobusiness by the state. Results. The results of the study allow us to come to a reasonable conclusion that without a legislative framework, the development and implementation of standards, norms and rules at all levels and effective support from the state, the business environment will remain undeveloped. Accordingly, government measures should involve a change in investment policy in the direction of increasing investments in high-tech industries and innovative environmental business in order to solve global environmental problems. Conclusions. Unresolved environmental problems, the need to eliminate environmental damage, and the increasing negative impact on the health of the population determine the mechanisms of state support for business entities in the field of ecology, since it will contribute to changing the environmental environment and create conditions for ensuring environmental safety.

Keywords: environmental entrepreneurship, environmental safety, environmental protection, state support, sustainable development.


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For citation:

Mezentseva E.V., Korolyuk E.V. Environmental entrepreneurship: the essence, directions of functioning and support mechanisms. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.372-380. DOI: