ISSN 2409-7616

Starovoitova L.I., Dirksen N.V.



UDC 37.043

Starovoitova L.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Dirksen N.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Russian State Social University

2Russian National Research Medical University them. N.I. Pirogov

Abstract. The article discusses issues related to the scientific foundations of guidelines for organizing the process of pedagogical support for the social adaptation of migrant children in the Russian educational space. In general, according to the authors, the solution of these and other issues requires the introduction of more flexible mechanisms for the integration and adaptation of migrants and their family members, such as the Centers for cultural and linguistic adaptation at schools or other institutions of the social sphere of the country using a variety of methods. The use of the methods proposed by the authors will allow, at an early period of the process of adaptation to a new environment, to identify existing difficulties in adaptation in a child, as well as to successfully correct them through the development of his personal and creative potential, which will ultimately make it possible to achieve success in adaptation to a new socio-cultural environment … As a result of the study, the authors came to an understanding of the need to continue and expand this work, focusing on the problems of the younger generation growing up in migrant families. We believe that the problem of successful adaptation can be solved by a comprehensive program of socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological measures focused on the organization of communication and interaction of migrant children in a new socio-cultural environment, their integration into Russian society, taking into account individual abilities, without losing their national identity.

Keywords: migrant child, social adaptation, art therapy, adaptation of migrant children, social and pedagogical support, sociocultural environment, criteria for social adaptation, educational space, development of creative potential.

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For citation:

Starovoitova L.I., Dirksen N.V. Socio-pedagogical support of the process of social adaptation of migrant children in Russian schools. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.99-110. DOI: