A. Strabykin
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.34
Andrey G. Strabykin –Teacher of the Novosibirsk highest military command school, post graduate of Omsk state pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, E-mail: strabikin.andrej@yandex.ru 4849-7156
Abstract. To solve various kinds of problems, including professional ones, in the process of educational activity in a military university, the question of the need to form professional responsibility of cadets is increasingly raised. This article discusses issues related to the formation of professional responsibility of cadets of a military higher educational institution, which implies, in the author’s opinion, the need to update the technological support of independent work in the disciplines of the professional block; issues of its content and tasks to be solved are also considered. The study of this problem led the author to the need to develop a model for the development of professional responsibility of cadets in the process of independent work in the professional disciplines of the block. The implementation of the model and verification of its effectiveness required the development and substantiation of a system for assessing the professional responsibility of a cadet at a military university. The leading assessment tool was an expert assessment based on the collective, agreed opinion of expert experts with high professional and pedagogical competence, experience in pedagogical diagnostics of personality development, who are able to observe the process of developing professional responsibility. The managerial component of the model is the final one and gives the technological support a complete and purposeful character. It combines management functions that additionally arise in the management of independent work in the disciplines of the professional block in connection with the adoption of the task of developing the professional responsibility of junior cadets. These functions included planning, organization, motivation and stimulation, control and accounting, pedagogical analysis and correction.
Keywords: technological support, model, target block, independent work, graduate of a military university, professional responsibility.
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For citation:
Strabykin A.G. Technological support for the development of professional responsibility of coursers in the process of independent work on the disciplines of the professional unit. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.394-407. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.34